Warning: Undefined array key "title" in /home2/phpibdestudents/public_html/nathalieibde2018/202/chapter3/handle_form.php on line 19

Warning: Undefined array key "name" in /home2/phpibdestudents/public_html/nathalieibde2018/202/chapter3/handle_form.php on line 20
Thank you for your comments.

Warning: Undefined array key "response" in /home2/phpibdestudents/public_html/nathalieibde2018/202/chapter3/handle_form.php on line 23

Warning: Undefined array key "comments" in /home2/phpibdestudents/public_html/nathalieibde2018/202/chapter3/handle_form.php on line 23
You stated that you found this example to be and added: Now it's working fine!